What is it?
LED means ‘light-emitting diode’.
It works by emitting infrared lights in different wavelengths and/or spectrums, which at each they have different skincare benefits.
It is explained that during LED therapy, devices send light waves deep into the skin and trigger natural intracellular reactions. Depending on the kind of light your skin is exposed to determines the reaction.
By using LED bulbs to deliver the optimized light at specific wavelengths to create a change in the skin – making this an effective treatment for all skin types, including hypersensitivity and rosacea skins.
These are usually considered as additional treatment but can be considered a treatment on its own.
How does it work?
If you decide to receive an LED treatment along with your facial treatment, there is not much else for you to do other than relax, and enjoy. Eye protection may be placed on the eyes as the lights are quite bright. The LED treatment takes about 15 – 20 minutes to receive the full benefits.
The Light does not cause any burns or skin damage. The treatment is pain free and is also considered very relaxing.
Benefits of LED Light Therapy
Other than LED therapy having the incredible ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production, the benefits do not stop there! Light therapy also reduce inflammation and accelerate the natural healing processes. It is a non-invasive, healthy way of treating the skin.
NASA researchers published a study, May of 2022, which illuminates Medical Uses of Light. They came to the conclusion that not only does retinoids and controlled wounding stimulate collagen production, but so does LED lights. Further supported the fact that it is a pain free, safe and effective in stimulating collagen and elastin production without and side-effects.
Attached you can find the link to the original NASA research document: https://spinoff.nasa.gov/NASA-Research-Illuminates-Medical-Uses-of-Light
For those who are less familiar with this technology, LED light therapy uses a large number of LED bulbs to transfer optimised light at a specific wavelength to stimulate a change within the skin without any additional ingredients or wounding.
Skin Benefits of Red LED Light Therapy
With a wavelength of between 620nm to 700nm it is predominantly used for anti-ageing due to its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production.
Red Light also aids in strengthening the skin.
This is a very effective treatment for rosacea and reducing inflammation, associated with weak and broken capillaries.
Red light is also extremely anti-inflammatory therefore reduces the inflammation of tissue by accelerating the healing process, particularly useful in healing blemishes, reducing appearance of scars and repairing sun damage.
Skin Benefits of Blue LED Light Therapy
With a wavelength of between 405nm and 420nm it is predominantly used for its anti-bacterial benefits and is therefore considered an acne treatment.
At a wavelength of 415nm it is absorbed by a molecule called porphyrin. These molecules can be found in large amounts on skins with bacterial acne. The absorption of the blue light into these molecules create singlet oxygen (free radicals) causing the destruction of bacteria.
Blue Light is also anti-inflammatory, however the best results are achieved when blue light is combined with red light for additional wound healing and skin rejuvenating benefits.
Skin Benefits of Yellow/Amber LED Light Therapy
With a wavelength of between 570nm and 620nm the colour can be broken into yellow or orange.
Amber light is an effective treatment to treat skin concerns involving rosacea, hypersensitivity or inflammation.
It helps to remove waste from the skin by boosting lymphatic flow and increase cellular growth.
In conclusion every skin can benefit from a facial LED treatment.
Make an appointment with your skincare therapist today, communicate your concern and let the healing begin.
Benefits of LED include being anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, reducing appearance of scars or sun damage – endless healing possibilities.
Remember, skin health is not a sprint, but a journey and it starts by taking the first step. Let us be a part of your journey.
With love form,

LED Light Therapy
Adres the benefits of the different colours and wavelengths, and how they can have an effect on your skin's health